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Why You Should Visit a Chiropractor Immediately After a Car Accident

Written By Preferred Family Chiropractic on December 29, 2023

a guy with neck pain from auto injury

Being in a car accident is traumatic, and you might not realize right away that you have auto injuries. Adrenaline could be masking your symptoms, and certain auto injuries have delayed symptoms. At Preferred Family Chiropractic, our chiropractor Dr. Adrian Williams specializes in chiropractic physiotherapy and auto injury treatment in Clermont, FL. He can offer a quick assessment and diagnosis, same-day chiropractic treatment, and ongoing care that can reduce your risk of future injury or complications. He can also work closely with your attorney on your personal injury claim. 

You Might Have Hidden Auto Injuries

Even if you feel fine after being in a car accident, you might have a hidden auto injury. Dr. Williams and his team can complete a thorough physical examination to assess you for injuries. They may recommend an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan to look for signs of common auto injuries like spinal injury, broken bones or fractures, or nerve damage. 

Some Auto Injuries Have Delayed Symptoms

Some auto injuries don’t show symptoms until days, weeks, or even months after the accident. We will screen you for signs of common auto injuries like whiplash, concussion, head injury, disc injury, and more. The sooner you receive treatment, the less likely you are to suffer from complications or chronic pain. We can provide same-day auto injury treatment to relieve pain, improve function and mobility, and start you on your journey to recovery.

Delaying Auto Injury Treatment Could Cause Complications

Some auto injuries will get worse over time if you don’t receive treatment. A concussion can cause serious, permanent problems including chronic headaches, vertigo, vision loss, dizziness, cognitive difficulties, and more. Whiplash can cause permanent neck pain, headaches, and loss of range of motion in the neck. An untreated head injury or neck injury can cause cervicogenic dizziness or cervical vertigo. We will ensure you get the immediate and ongoing treatment you need to prevent further injury and reduce your risk of complications. 

You Need Medical Documentation for a Personal Injury Claim

If you plan on filing a personal injury claim in relation to your car accident, you will need a medical diagnosis, medical records, and a treatment plan. Dr. Williams can work with your personal injury attorney to preserve evidence, document your injuries, provide medical billing records, and outline information about your treatment and prognosis. This documentation can be used to substantiate your damages and increase your chances of a successful claim.

Get Treatment for an Auto Injury in Clermont, FL

Don’t ignore symptoms of an auto injury and risk chronic pain or other complications. Visit us at Preferred Family Chiropractic for swift, effective auto injury treatment in Clermont, FL. Dr. Williams and his team will design a personalized treatment plan that will get you back on your feet, pain-free. Schedule an appointment today to get started on your treatment plan.