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Muscle Tightness Can Be a Sign That You Need a Chiropractor

Written By Preferred Family Chiropractic on June 7, 2023


Muscle pain and tightness can be a sign of an underlying problem that can’t be fixed through rest or over the counter painkillers. If you have muscle tightness and joint pain that affects your mobility and range of motion, you should visit a chiropractor for an evaluation. Dr. Williams at Preferred Family Chiropractic can diagnose the underlying cause of your muscle pain in Clermont, FL, and find a solution that offers fast, lasting relief.

Common Causes of Muscle Tightness & Muscle Pain

Acute muscle pain and tightness might result after an injury, repetitive stress, or post-surgery. Occasional or temporary muscle pain and tightness can be caused after exercising, working out, playing sports, spending all day on your feet, or sitting at a desk all day. Sometimes, muscle tightness and muscle pain is caused by a spinal misalignment, inherited spinal condition, or illness. Dr. Williams can evaluate your overall health and do a physical exam to assess the severity of your muscle pain and tightness.  

Chiropractic Care for Muscle Pain

Chiropractic adjustments can improve your posture and balance and realign your spine. During a chiropractic adjustment, your body will release natural painkilling hormones called endorphins. Adjustments relieve pressure on the spine, muscles, and nerves and promote the flow of oxygen, blood, and nutrients through the body. Chiropractic care also improves circulation, restores flexibility and range of motion, improves mobility, and reduces joint pain. Dr. Williams may recommend chiropractic adjustments if your muscle pain and tightness interferes with your daily activities.  

Chiropractic Treatments for Joint Pain & Loss of Range of Motion

Muscle guarding might cause mobility issues, because the muscle acts as a support system for a part of the body that has been weakened by injury, repetitive stress, strain, or fatigue. Getting a massage or taking painkillers might temporarily treat your symptoms, but chiropractic treatments can treat the root cause of your pain. Restoring your spine to its natural alignment might ease your symptoms permanently. If your symptoms are causing mobility problems, Dr. Williams can also provide ongoing treatment that will offer continuing relief of joint pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion. He may recommend physiotherapy, at-home exercises and stretches, and lifestyle modification.  

Visit Preferred Family Chiropractic in Clermont, FL, for Muscle Pain

Don’t let muscle pain and muscle tightness affect your everyday life. Visit our chiropractor in Clermont, FL, at Preferred Family Chiropractic. Dr. Williams can quickly diagnose the underlying cause of your muscle pain and tightness, joint pain, mobility issues, and loss of range of motion. He will design a safe, effective chiropractic treatment plan that helps you get back to your normal routine. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


Posted In: Chiropractic