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What Exactly is Physiotherapy?

Written By Preferred Family Chiropractic on March 26, 2021

PhysiotherapyWhether you were just recently involved in an accident of some sort or just undergoing wellness care, at some point your treatment will likely include physiotherapy to help aid you in your recovery process.

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a specific treatment approach that is designed to help a patient restore proper movement throughout their body.

The goal of physiotherapy is to increase range of motion, mobility, and the function of certain joints and muscles that have become weakened or were injured.

Depending on your specific need, you may be involved in either passive or active physiotherapy, or possibly even a combination of both:

  • Active physiotherapy: Involves individually designed stretches and exercises in order to help improve your overall strength and increase your flexibility.  
  • Passive physiotherapy: Involves modalities that do the work for you; such as massage therapy, electrical stimulation or ultrasound.

How Does Physiotherapy Work with Chiropractic?

One common question that new patients tend to ask is how do physiotherapy and chiropractic care work together? 

Chiropractic treatments return the patient’s body back into proper alignment to reduce/eliminate pain,  increase range of motion, restore mobility, and help improve the function of your musculoskeletal system (i.e., your joints and muscles).

Several common chiropractic treatment methods are:

  • Spinal decompression
  • Intersegmental traction
  • Chiropractic adjustments/Spinal manipulation

Physiotherapy at Preferred Family Chiropractic

Whether you require physiotherapy following an accident or just incorporating it into your wellness care – finding a team that you know you can trust is a crucial step in the process. 

Here at Preferred Family Chiropractic, our team takes the time to get to know you and your needs on a personal level, ensuring that you get the best care possible. 

Are you looking for physiotherapy following an accident or other medical procedure? Schedule your appointment today by calling (352) 536-1300.

Posted In: Chiropractic Physiotherapy