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Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Mental Health

Written By Preferred Family Chiropractic on May 1, 2024

a man with a headache

Your mental health can affect your physical health, and your physical health can affect your mental health. Experiencing chronic pain, trouble sleeping, and poor diet and nutrition can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. At Preferred Family Chiropractic, we can help you maintain your mental health and overall wellness through chiropractic care in Clermont, FL. Let’s take a look at the benefits to your mental health of undergoing consistent chiropractic care.  

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself, without relying on prescription medication or invasive procedures. Our chiropractor Dr. Adrian Williams uses all-natural, drug-free manual therapies to address pain and dysfunction, improve overall health and wellness, and improve quality of life. We focus on functional medicine, which means that we address the underlying cause of your symptoms rather than just treating each symptom individually. Our chiropractic therapies can relieve conditions that affect your spine, muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons as well as conditions that affect your mental and emotional health. 

What Treatment Options Are Included In Chiropractic Care?

Dr. Williams will combine multiple chiropractic therapies that address the root cause of your symptoms or condition. Our chiropractic therapies are all safe, effective, minimally-invasive, and drug free. We combine chiropractic care with physiotherapy, diet and nutrition counseling, lifestyle modification, posture correction, and workplace ergonomics to enhance your overall wellness. Dr. Williams specializes in chiropractic adjustments, injury recovery, and therapeutic rehabilitation.

How Does Chiropractic Care Address Mental Health? 

Chiropractic care relieves pain, dysfunction, inflammation, and other symptoms that affect your daily life. If you have a chronic or acute condition, its symptoms can prevent you from exercising, sleeping, eating well, working, and spending time on your hobbies or with family and friends. Mental health issues can also affect your physical health. Stress, anxiety, and depression can prevent you from sleeping and eating well, make you avoid social obligations, and affect your ability to work. Dr. Williams will disrupt the cycle of dysfunction by creating a highly individualized treatment program that addresses both your physical and mental health. He can relieve pain and other symptoms that are preventing you from living the life you love. He can also improve your mental and emotional health through pain relief, diet and nutrition counseling, rehabilitative care, and stress management.

Visit Our Chiropractors in Clermont, FL

If you’re ready to begin your journey towards optimal health and wellness and have been Googling “chiropractor near me in Clermont, FL,” visit us at Preferred Family Chiropractic. Dr. Williams will evaluate your overall health and nutrition and design a highly individualized wellness plan for you. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic